How the teal ducks came to be…
About 15 years ago I met Ryan through my son at NMRHS. Ryan was a few years older than my son and was a leader on the soccer and basketball teams.
Fast forward to today and my daughter is now engaged to one of Ryan’s closest friends. I remember a little more than a year ago she asked to be allowed to miss my nieces’ wedding so she could attend Ryan and Madeline’s wedding. She knew how important this ceremony was for them.
Recently I have been talking to Ryan about making a teal duck in honor of Madeline to recognize those people who are fighting Ovarian Cancer.
As with all Ducks for Cancer, 50% of the proceeds from these sales will go directly to supporting Ovarian Cancer patients through the Pink Revolution, the remaining funds will go towards continuing to raise awareness and provide comfort and support for all Cancer patients.

Their story…
On September 14, 2022 we lost Madeline to a rare and aggressive form of ovarian cancer. In true Madeline form, she fought fiercely and never lost her spark, her spirit or that laugh we love so much. She showed superhero strength throughout the 14 month battle, enduring various attempts of treatment while still being there for others and spending every moment living life to fullest until her last day. While undergoing treatment she attended weddings, trips to Maine, NH, the cape, Nantucket, Miami, Italy, and even stole the show as the most beautiful bride on she and Ryan’s wedding day on June 17th, 2022. She had an energy that brought people together and we know she’s still with us every day. We hope that Madeline’s story can raise awareness about this horrible disease.